

Parsley Super Supreme Pizza | Pakistan Foodies Gang


1 fresh or frozen pizza dough ball (16 ounces), thawed if necessary

1 container (8 ounces) Burrata cheese, crumbled

3 garlic cloves, minced

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 ounces Fiorucci® 100% Natural Prosciutto, torn into 2-inch pieces

2/3 cup baby arugula

½ cup chopped cantaloupe

2 tablespoons balsamic glaze


Prep: 15 minutes | Bake: 12 minutes

 Step 1

Preheat oven to 500°; preheat 2 rimmed baking pans in oven for 5 minutes.

Step 2

Divide dough into 4 equal pieces; stretch each into a ¼-inch-thick circle and place on prepared pans. Sprinkle dough circles with cheese and garlic; drizzle with oil. Bake pizzas 12 minutes or until crusts are golden brown, rotating pans once.

Step 3

Top pizzas with prosciutto, arugula and cantaloupe; drizzle with balsamic glaze.

 Approximate nutritional values per serving (1 pizza): 561 Calories, 24g Fat (9g Saturated), 50mg Cholesterol, 830mg Sodium, 58g Carbohydrates, 2g Fiber, 9g Sugars, 25g Protein

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